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PM Flashback

Volume 25, No. 8, October 1996

Dorst America Expands
Interlake to Acquire Arc Metals
Hoeganaes Achieve ISO Certification
APMI Directors Elected
Ultrafine to Sell Russian Specialty Powders
ASL Set up Joint Venture in China
Outstanding Technical Paper Award
Call-for-Papers PM2TEC’97
Gasbarre Divisions Seek Quality Certifications
MPIF Seminars on Design and Metallography
Productivity Seminar- November 13–15
P/M Industry Internet Seminar
Powder Market Reports
People in the News

PM Flashback – New Feature!

Ever wonder what was happening in the PM industry 10, 20, or 40 years ago?  Here’s a peek! Random issues of APMI’s PM Technology Newsletter will regularly appear in issues of FocusPM, showing the contents/headlines with a link to the full issue. These past issues can also be found on the APMI International website under Resources.

New MPIF Standard 35 Materials Standard Released

The 2020 edition of MPIF Standard 35 – Materials Standards for PM Structural Parts has been released. This Standard is a must-have document and provides the design and materials engineer with the latest engineering property data and information available to specify materials for structural parts made using the PM process.

2020 PM Design Excellence Awards—Consumer Goods

In an ever-changing landscape, powder metallurgy (PM) components continue to excel across market segments. You will find PM used in the lawn and garden; off-highway; hand tools and recreation; industrial motors, controls, and hydraulics; hardware; and appliances market segments. PM is an efficient and reliable part of everyday life.



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