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2020 PM Design Excellence Awards - Automotive

Innovation is at the hub of powder metallurgy (PM) manufacturing advancements in the automotive market. PM materials and consolidation processes are utilized to support the most demanding applications. Transmissions, engines, and chassis rely on performance components to provide durability and consistency.

Flexible Start Times: Virtual Basic PM Short Course

Due to the overwhelming interest in the Virtual Basic PM Short Course, the course will be offered On-Demand from August 10–14, 2020, so encourage more participate across the globe. No travel, no hotel, and a reduced, virtual-only registration rate through July 8.

New Book: Binder and Polymer Assisted Powder Processing


Randall M. German, FAPMI, and Animesh Bose, FAPMI, have released a new book titled Binder and Polymer Assisted Powder Processing. This book focuses on the basic principles and options available for the application of polymers and natural organics to powder processing. It links the material, powder characteristics, forming process, and product attributes together to give the first unified treatment on polymer assisted powder processing.

Webinar Series Builds Interest

Last month the Metal Powder Industries Federation and APMI International launched an on-going webinar series for members with themes ranging from technical topics (Powder Production for AM, PM & MIM; Ferrous Materials and Properties) to explorations of member benefits. Since the program began four weeks ago, over 750 MPIF and APMI International members have taken advantage of this complimentary program.



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