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3D Systems Taking Part in Two Projects for CCDC Army Research Laboratory

3D Systems, Rock Hill, South Carolina, is involved in two projects for the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Army Research Laboratory. The first is the creation of the world’s largest powder-metal 3D printer. The other focuses on topical optimization of additive manufacturing to improve the Army's 3D-printed products.

Kansas Convergence Sciences Awardee Researchers Target AM Waste

A team of interdisciplinary researchers, the Smart Fusion Material Research Cluster, at Wichita State University, Witchita, Kansas, is working to create sustainable Additive Manufacturing practices that reduce waste.
The project is one of the awardees of Wichita State University’s Convergence Sciences Initiative, an effort to bring the strengths of both faculty and students from a range of disciplines together, giving them support to develop research programs which drive the diversity and growth of the Kansas economy, while addressing global challenges. Winners of the Convergence Sciences awards will be given $300,000 over three years.

University of Wolverhampton Researchers Additively Manufacture COVID-19 Resistant Metal

The COVID-19 resistant material is made from copper, silver and tungsten and was produced using Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy the University of Wolverhampton)

The University of Wolverhampton’s Additive Manufacturing Functional Materials (AMFM) research group, Wolverhampton, UK, has developed an antiviral material made from copper, silver and tungsten which can be additively manufactured and reportedly kills the coronavirus (COVID-19).

AMFM explains that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for materials and surfaces that can kill or suppress the virus to help reduce airborne and surface-based transmission. With expertise in additively manufacturing antimicrobial biomaterials, the research group refocused their efforts to investigate antiviral materials that could combat COVID-19.

PM Flashback

Volume 11, No. 1, January 1982


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Mixed Reviews for Industry Outlook
Alcan to Buy AMAX Infiloy Process
Quebec Metal Powders in Business
HIP Joint Venture Company to Open Soon
P/M Solves Model A Ford Engine Problem
MI Opens Wearsurfacing Center
Kuhn Form P/M Consulting Company 
Gorham International Sponsors Global High Performance P/M Study
Drexel P/M Activities
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1982 P/M Parts Design Competition
P/M Educational Meetings
National P/M Conference and Exhibition
P/M ’82 Update
New Orleans to Host Short Course on Fully Dense P/M Materials
Industry Development Committee Formed
Fine Particle Society Requests Papers
SAE Conference to Feature P/M Session
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Registration Now Open!

The 2021 North American conference on powder metallurgy (PM) and particulate materials, will be offered in a hybrid format, with delegates electing to be in-person or presenting or attending virtually.  One registration fee provides entrance to PowderMet2021 (PowderMet2021.org) and the co-located Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy (AMPM2021.org)  and International Conference on Tungsten, Refractory & Hardmaterials (Tungsten2021.org) conferences.  



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