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Rolls-Royce's Innovative Defense Initiative: Recycling Titanium for Future AM Jet Engine Components

Rolls-Royce Holdings plc, London, is making strides in sustainable defense manufacturing by repurposing titanium from obsolete fighter aircraft. This groundbreaking initiative focuses on recycling components like engine compressor blades from retired Tornado jets into titanium metal powders, which are then utilized for additive manufactured (AM) jet engine parts.

Detecting Additive Manufacturing Defects in Real Time

Zhongshu Ren (left) and Tao Sun, University of Virginia, display the results of L-PBF research.

A research team led by University of Virginia Associate Professor Tao Sun has made significant strides in advancing AM, particularly in aerospace and industries requiring robust metal parts. Their study focuses on detecting keyhole pores, which are major defects in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF).

ORNL Prints Specimen Capsule for Reactor Tests

A research team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, has successfully designed, additively manufactured, and tested a specimen capsule for use in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). The specimen capsules are essential for nuclear fuels and materials research as they hold experiments during irradiation in test reactors.

Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Awards Announced

Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Awards Announced

The Metal Powder Industries Federation's (MPIF) Awards Committee has announced the recipients of the 2025 MPIF Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy (PM) Award that recognizes individuals who have actively served the North American PM industry for at least 25 years and, in the minds of their peers, deserve special recognition.



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